Coming off the heels of my fourth delivery I can safely say I feel confident in knowing what I will need to survive those first few days and weeks of postpartum life. I’ve compiled a list of my must-haves with a link to shop via Amazon for all you mamas who are planning ahead for those postpartum days!

A new comfy blanket- I have purchased a new soft blanket for myself after each of my babies and it is something I really look forward to. I don’t know why, but there is something to me about a new soft blanket and holding a new baby. Those late night feedings, times for snuggling, laying the baby on the blanket for tummy time, all of the above.
Wireless headphones- I love having headphones for late night feedings. I can play music or listen to a podcast to keep myself awake while I’m nursing and it won’t wake up my husband. I love that wireless ones mean that baby won’t get tangled in them and that I can move about freely.
Comfy jammies- Your body is going to be going through a lot of changes. I remember after Jude was born thinking that I would immediately go back to my pre-baby body. That was indeed a lie. Postpartum is a strange time. You aren’t able to fit in your pre-baby clothes, but your maternity clothes are all stretched out (or at least mine are). Buying myself something new and comfortable makes me feel at home in my body during this stage. Comfort is key, and if you are nursing, having something that you can nurse in easily is a big bonus!
Speaking of nursing, nursing bras- If you are nursing, having a few good nursing bras is a must. Choosing bras that are wireless will encourage your milk to come in and won’t be restricting. I try to stay away from sports bras and bralettes just for ease, but there are some really affordable nursing bras on Amazon or at Target!
Lanolin- your nipples’ new “breast” friend
Nursing pads- I love the machine-washable ones. The disposable ones are okay, but they are a lot like pads and you have wrappers and sticker backs and it’s kinda a hassle.
Care items for your “exit area”- A lot of trauma has occurred to your downstairs and it will need some tending to for a few weeks. Here is a list of things I have on hand when I get home from the hospital:
- Big pads- (can’t live without them)
- Disposable undies especially for nighttime- My hospital sends me home with some, but it’s always a good idea to have a pack on hand
- Sitz Spray- it’s comforting and non-irritating to help soothe the war zone.
- Tuck pads- hemorrhoids are a real thing, ladies
- If you have stitches, my favorite product is the BLUE Dermoplast- Be sure to get the blue one though, I cannot stress that enough. It numbs everything!
Personal Items-
- Dry Shampoo- for those days when only a quick shower can happen and your hair needs a little tending to
- Chapstick- your lips will be super dry afterward (at least mine have been every single time)
- Makeup wipes- some nights and mornings you won’t feel like washing your face, but having something quick and easy like a face wipe will be helpful to combat any postpartum acne that will likely occur.
- A big bottle of Motrin- to help with cramping and pain
- Lactation support pills, teas, or cookies- if you are planning to nurse
- A new essential oil- I recommend Gentle Baby or Peace & Calming to diffuse in your home- this is not something essential but something I really enjoy. With Emma I used Peace & Calming, and with Millie I am using Gentle Baby both from Young Living. I love how I associate these smells with the newborn stage and anytime I smell them it brings me back to this time.
Bodyarmor drinks- These suckers have helped me SO much in my breastfeeding journey. They are an incredible source of hydration and for some odd reason help with my supply- plus they taste really good, are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, and don’t have caffeine in them.
A baby tracking app- I downloaded the ‘Baby Nursing’ app to help me remember which side I nursed on last, what time, duration, etc. There is also a place to track diaper changes, weight, pumping,
My #1 must-have for postpartum- the Haaka. This sucker (no pun intended) has been incredible for catching the milk that Millie isn’t nursing on. I bought this when Emma was born and loved using it. I wish I would have had it with the boys too!
Check out my full list of recommended products on Amazon HERE.
Anything I’m forgetting? Let me know what your must-have postpartum items are!
Hello Jude Photography is a North Georgia Newborn Photographer specializing in luxury family, maternity, newborn, and baby photography. I believe in the beauty of simplicity and the value of tangible heirlooms that you can pass down from generation to generation.
Bailey serves clients in the North Georgia region including Habersham County, Hall County, White County and beyond. Our natural light studio is located in Clarkesville, Georgia.