Finding activities to occupy my little ones can be a challenge during the summertime. If you are anything like me, you have all of these great ideas, but when your kids are bored and driving you crazy, you can't remember anything fun to do. I've compiled a list of different types of activities to do this summer with little ones (mainly so that I don't have those forgetful moments all summer long).
Outdoor Activities
-take a hike
-visit the local farmers market
-go to the lake or the river
-catch bugs (or pick flowers) and try to identify them
-go berry picking
-visit the splash pad
-go swimming
-have a picnic
-go camping (day or night)
-tie-dye something
-go to the park
-"Car Wash" for outdoor toys
-color scavenger hunt
-shaving cream twister
-go for a bike or scooter ride
-go on a sunrise hike
-visit a waterfall
-mini golfing
Rainy Day Activities
-take a trip to the library and pick a theme to explore books on
-build a fort, pop popcorn, and watch a new movie
-take those old amazon boxes and build cars, castles, robots, etc.
-make homemade play-dough or play sand
-Home Depot Kids Workshops
-make homemade ice-cream or snow cones
-make a bird feeder
-volunteer at an animal shelter or collect donations to deliver
-indoor car race track- painters tape and hotwheels
-make paper bag puppets
-paint rocks
-board games
-glow stick bath time
-make "dirt and worms" chocolate pudding
-make donuts
-create treats for your neighbors
-color pages or cards for the nursing home or elderly in your community
-bake cookies and take them to a friend or neighbor (after eating a few, of course!)
Special Occasion Activities
-go to the zoo
-visit a children's museum
-go to the aquarium
-go to the movies
-paint pottery
-go to the aquatic center or local pool
-go on a boat ride
-go to the beach
-visit an amusement park
-visit a botanical garden
-go to a carnival or festival