Has this ever happened to you?
You are holding your little one and suddenly you realize that they have developed a new skill independently. Like the first time they hold their bottle by themself, or put their paci back in their mouth. The first time they soothe themselves to sleep, or take their first steps. Buckle their seatbelt by themself, get dressed by themself, feed themself, etc. You are transported back to the time they relied on you for everything and suddenly, that helpless baby has found their independence. As parents we don’t usually know when it will be our last time doing something for our child. We don’t often wonder “is this the last time I will rock them to sleep?” or “is this the last time they will ask for my help with ____?”. We rarely stop long enough to reminisce on how much they have grown and how quickly they have developed. Did you know: In their first year of life, babies grow faster than in any other time in their life.
That is why the Wonder Years Collection is my absolute favorite way to capture a baby. This collection is designed to highlight the most pivotal milestones in their first year and to create beautiful artwork that tells the story of their development and milestones.

Jack’s Wonder Year Collection
I first met Jordan and Justin right after Covid lockdown began. I had the honor of photographing their pregnancy announcement on their front porch during my porch session series last Summer. When Jordan reached out to me asking if I could photograph their sweet baby boy after he was born, I was over the moon excited. Jack was one of the very first newborns inside my new studio after it opened in September 2020.
Baby Boy Jack
Jack made his earthly debut early in the morning at 5:24 am on October 16th at 6 lbs 13 oz and 18 inches long. I remember instantly seeing the joy in Jordan and Justin's faces as they walked into the studio holding their sweet baby boy. They were glowing with first-time parent pride. This precious little boy was finally here and he changed their worlds.

Jack’s Milestones During Jack’s Milestone Sessions in the studio we celebrated the most pivotal moments in his first year: from learning to smile and lift his head, army crawl, pull up, and walk! These sessions were so fun to watch his curiosity and independence develop and his little personality grow.

Jack’s First Birthday Session
It was, and still is, hard to believe Jack is already ONE. We celebrated his birthday at the studio with a family session and a cake smash. I can confidently say that Jack did not disappoint when it came to the cake smash portion of the session. He was ALL IN! I don’t think I’ve seen a little boy more determined to enjoy a cake quite like Jack. Those photos are some of my favorites because his baby blue eyes are piercing and you can see the devotion in them (plus his spunky little personality too).
This year with the DePascale family has been such a joy. I have loved watching Jack grow and develop and have equally loved witnessing Justin and Jordan grow as parents. Happy Birthday, Jack!

Hello Jude Photography is a North Georgia Newborn Photographer specializing in luxury family, maternity, newborn, and baby photography. I believe in the beauty of simplicity and the value of tangible heirlooms that you can pass down from generation to generation.
Bailey serves clients in the North Georgia region including Habersham County, Hall County, White County and beyond. Our natural light studio is located in Clarkesville, Georgia.