Hello March!
What we did last month
We got goats!!!!! Goodness am I one excited gal. Billy and Bud are Nigerian Dwarf goats and we are all in love!
Nate and I celebrated our 10th Valentine's together and 9 years of being engaged with our first kids-free date night since Millie was born.
Millie turned 6 months old. I can hardly believe our girl is half a year old. Where has time gone?
I discovered the Libby app. It's basically an online library of e-books and audiobooks for free if you have a public library card. I have read and listened to so many books this month.. check it out!
I took all 4 kids to the zoo by myself. I felt like a BOSS!
Emma got her big girl bed!
We spent a lot of time outside. I am a big big fan of this warmer weather (although I know it's fools spring.)
Goals for March
The last bit of the quarter is among us! Have been on track with some goals, and not so much with others. March is for wrapping up those goals like decluttering and organizing parts of our home, launching some exciting mini courses for mamas in the HJ Store, and completing a 3 month contentment challenge (which I will admit I have not been doing phenomenal at).
Enjoy some of Millie's 6 month photos because I didn't document a whole lot on my big camera this month.
